Clutter Busting Inspiration at FestiGals 2016!

Overwhelmed with too much stuff? You're not alone! Clutter is known to contribute to anxiety, stress and depression. Not exactly the most positive way to begin and end your daily routine but how can you stop the madness? You may be surprised to hear New Orleans #1 professional organizer say forget about getting organized but that's exactly what I'm telling you to do. 

Clear the Clutter Rachel's Clothing.jpg

As a guest speaker at this years FestiTalks I'll share in greater detail why it's time to shift your focus. Instead of trying to organize your clutter I encourage you to let your clutter go! There are many reasons why we may cling to things that no longer serve a purpose, emotional clutter being a major contributor. However you have the power to change your personal environment and to improve your quality of life simply by downsizing. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Schedule a time to declutter and put it on your calendar.
  2. Start with a small & manageable task
  3. Make a decision on every item you touch. 
  4. Donate, donate, donate! Call Bridge House to schedule a donation pick up. 
  5. Celebrate your accomplishments big and small. 

What are your clutter challenges or success stories? I look forward to hearing your experiences and seeing you at FestiGals.

Happy Downsizing!

Stasia Cymes
(504) 920-1800
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